Our family has celebrated 4 Christmases in 3 days. We had so many people say Kara looks so happy, always with a smile on her face.
These last three days have been crazy, but overall we think it's gone very well. There have been times it was clear she's been over stimulated. Today her and I took a few minutes away from the all crazy stuff and just sat quietly to de-compress. All of this is so new to her, we expected some toddler like behavior. This is normal! This is good, this is how she learns. It's hard and sometimes frustrating in the moment, especially because I worry about what everyone is thinking when I'm literally picking up a 10 year old off the ground, but we were prepared for this and is all part of the process.
This girl LOVES Santa or as she calls him "the fat man that brings gifts!" Hahaha. She couldn't get enough of him when he visited our family get togethers.
She's been with us a little over a week now. She came with the clothes she was wearing and one other outfit. She has not wanted to wear anything else that we had bought for her. Yesterday she put on new clothes for the first time (I've been washing hers obviously)! I was excited for two reasons....1. I won't have to do so much laundry, haha & 2. That means she's adjusting even more!
I know I keep saying this, but this girl is smart! I had a Chinese lesson on Friday and she would read a question to me and I would answer it (in Chinese). She also recognizes Kara in English when written.
Here are some pictures and a video of her singing her favorite song (notice she's now singing parts in English). You'll notice she is wearing glasses. She does not need glasses, but has been asking for a pair since I picked her up at the airport, so we bought her a pair from Claire's as a Christmas gift. She loves them and looks pretty cute!
I am loving watching this all unfold for her. What a huge experience and it will change her forever for the better.